artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise module

Module that contains Artella Enterprise API implementation

artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise.can_unlock(file_path, **kwargs)

Returns whether given path can be unlocked or not by current user :param file_path: str


Returns path where Artella path is installed :return: str

artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise.get_artella_client(app_identifier=None, force_create=True)

Creates, connects and returns an instance of the Spigot client :return: SpigotClient


Returns last version Artella folder installation :return: str

artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise.get_artella_project_url(project_id, files_url=True)

Returns Artella project URL :param project_id: str, Unique ID for the Artella project :param files_url: bool, Whether to return root project URL of project files URL :return: str


Returns folder where Artella stores Python scripts :return: str


Returns current published version of the given file path in Artella server :param file_path: str :return: int

artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise.get_file_history(file_path, as_json=False)

Returns the history info of the given file, if exists :param file_path: str :param as_json: bool


Returns current version of the given file in Artella server :param file_path: str :return: int


Returns Artella App MetaData :return: ArtellaMetaData or None

artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise.get_status(file_path, **kwargs)

Returns the status of the given file path :param file_path: str :return: str


Returns the progress of the current Artella server synchronization operation Returns a tuple containing the following info:

  • amount of done download operations

  • amount of total download operations in progress

  • amount of total download operations that are going to be done

  • amount of total bytes downloaded

  • amount of total bytes to download


int, int, int, int, int


Returns whether an absolute file path refers to a locked asset in edit mode, and if the file is locked by the current storage workspace :param file_path: str, absolute path to a file :return: (bool, bool), Whether file is locked or not, whether the file is locked by another user or not


Returns whether an absolute file path refers to a published asset :param file_path: str, absolute path to a file :return: bool


Returns whether or not given file path is updated to the last version :param file_path: str :return: bool


Executes Artella App

artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise.lock_file(file_path=None, force=False)

Locks given file path :param file_path: str :param force: bool


Pauses synchronization of files from Artella server


Resumes synchronization of files from Artella server


Synchronize the specific given file, if exists :param file_path: str :return:


Synchronize all the content of the given path, if exists :param path: str

artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise.synchronize_path_with_folders(file_path, recursive=False, only_latest_published_versions=True)

Synchronizes given path and all its folders :param file_path: str :param recursive: bool :param only_latest_published_versions: bool :return:

artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise.unlock_file(file_path, **kwargs)

Unlocks a given file path :param file_path:


Updates system path to add artella paths if they are not already added :return:


Updates the environment variable that stores the Artella Local Path NOTE: This is done by Artella plugin when is loaded, so we should not do it manually again

artellapipe.libs.artella.core.artellaenterprise.upload_new_asset_version(file_path=None, comment='Published new version with Artella Pipeline', skip_saving=False)

Adds a new file to the Artella server :param file_path: :param comment: :param skip_saving: When we publish textures we do not want to save the maya scene